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Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !

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Dylan Lenivy

Dylan Lenivy

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4da4209186c626670b5b4f7748fd583f3b2a4579
▿ Ton univers : The Quarry.
▿ Date de naissance : 19/07/2000
▿ Age : 23
▿ Métier : Streameur.
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square.
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 58e0699b804f34a940a1c359e03778d7990e711c
Take me back
to the time
when you first
told me
your name.

▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Merge.
▿ Avatar : Miles Robbins.
▿ Copyright : naly-rpg (avatar), darkmoonloki & h4ckett (gifs), park-chan-yall (icons), Halay (moodboard), siren charms (signature).
▿ Disponibilités rp : Indisponible.
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Ahkmenrah Sa-Rê, Alicia Sierra, Daemon Targaryen, Elliot Alderson, Joshua Washington, Lyutsifer Safin, Rue Bennett, Santiago López, Silene Oliveira, Stuart Macher & Zulema Zahir.
▿ Messages : 730
▿ Points : 134
▿ Date d'inscription : 08/10/2023
▿ Notes :
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! A9d1c4af63279df4e1cab73acaf9d3aca1c010f1

RPs en cours :
(Halloween) Sam(AU) Ryan(FB) RyanEmma & Ryan

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Yf66

MessageSujet: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 19:18

Dylan Lenivy

Votre personnage

▿ âge : Il a 23 ans.
▿ date de naissance : Dans son monde, Dylan a vu le jour le 19 juillet, l’année reste inconnue. Ici, la ville lui a attribué la date suivante : le 19 juillet 2000.
▿ métier : Anciennement, moniteur de colonie à Hacket's Quarry. Il y faisait les annonces depuis la station de radio du camp. À son arrivée en ville, Dylan se tourne vers le streaming.
▿ statut civil : Célibataire, mais possède de fort sentiment envers Ryan Erzahler.
▿ orientation sexuelle : Homosexuel.
▿ traits de caractère : Sarcastique ✧ Décontracté ✧ Sociable ✧ Affable ✧ Sensible ✧ Intuitif ✧ Dévoué ✧ Fidèle ✧ Jaloux ✧ Possessif ✧ Prévoyant ✧ Comique ✧ Pessimiste ✧ Lunatique ✧ Manipulateur ✧ Déterminé ✧ Persuasif ✧ Immature ✧ Rancunier.
▿ groupe : Jeux vidéo.
▿ ton univers : The Quarry.

Vous derrière l'écran

▿ Pseudo/prénom : Merge.
▿ Age : 29 ans.
▿ Comment avez-vous connu le forum ? : On compte plus les DC Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3959672634  Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2334764349 .
▿ Un petit mot ? Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784  Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784  Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 .
▿ Avatar : Miles Robbins.
▿ Avez-vous pris un scénario ? : Inventé.
▿ Crédits images : naly-rpg (avatar) & drylan (icons).
[b]▿ @"Dylan Lenivy" (pris)[/b]

[b]@"Kai Anderson"[/b] : [i]Kai Anderson & Silene Oliveira & Elliot Alderson & Montana Duke & Joshua Washington & Dylan Lenivy[/i]
(A remplir uniquement si vous avez des doubles comptes)

Dernière édition par Dylan Lenivy le Sam 14 Oct - 18:43, édité 11 fois
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Dylan Lenivy

Dylan Lenivy

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4da4209186c626670b5b4f7748fd583f3b2a4579
▿ Ton univers : The Quarry.
▿ Date de naissance : 19/07/2000
▿ Age : 23
▿ Métier : Streameur.
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square.
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 58e0699b804f34a940a1c359e03778d7990e711c
Take me back
to the time
when you first
told me
your name.

▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Merge.
▿ Avatar : Miles Robbins.
▿ Copyright : naly-rpg (avatar), darkmoonloki & h4ckett (gifs), park-chan-yall (icons), Halay (moodboard), siren charms (signature).
▿ Disponibilités rp : Indisponible.
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Ahkmenrah Sa-Rê, Alicia Sierra, Daemon Targaryen, Elliot Alderson, Joshua Washington, Lyutsifer Safin, Rue Bennett, Santiago López, Silene Oliveira, Stuart Macher & Zulema Zahir.
▿ Messages : 730
▿ Points : 134
▿ Date d'inscription : 08/10/2023
▿ Notes :
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! A9d1c4af63279df4e1cab73acaf9d3aca1c010f1

RPs en cours :
(Halloween) Sam(AU) Ryan(FB) RyanEmma & Ryan

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Yf66

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 19:18

Il était une fois...

(I) On ne sait que peu de choses sur le passé de Dylan. On apprend notamment qu’avant d’être moniteur de colonie à Hackett’s Quarry, il y venait chaque année comme campeur. Lors de l’un de ses séjours en tant que campeur, il s’est intéressé à l’ancienne cabane radio. À l’abandon depuis des années, il a demandé au propriétaire du camp s’il pouvait la remettre en état. Chris Hackett accepte sa requête, mais en contrepartie il veut transformer la moitié du cabanon en espace de stockage pour diverses fournitures et divers équipements du camp. (II) L’été touche à sa fin. Les enfants de la colonie sont déjà partis. Il ne reste que les moniteurs sur le site. Dylan, accompagné de Nick, termine leurs sacs. En rupture amoureuse avec Emma, Jacob décide de saboter la camionnette censée les ramener en ville. Cet idiot souhaite passer une dernière soirée avec son amoureuse… Une action, qui aura de terribles conséquences. (III) Le propriétaire de la colonie tente de réparer la voiture, mais impossible. Ce dernier rentre dans une colère noire et ordonne aux huit adolescents de s’enfermer à l’intérieur du chalet. Sous aucun prétexte, ils ne doivent faire du bruit ou sortir. Dylan et d’autres électrons libres décident d’organiser une dernière soirée ! Ryan rechigne à l’idée de cette fête, mais les mots justes et perspicaces de Dylan finissent par le convaincre. (IV) Ryan et Dylan décident d’aller charger leurs portables dans le bureau de Chris Hackett. De nature curieuse, Dylan commence à fouiller le local sous les yeux sévères de Ryan. Ensemble, ils finissent par trouver une pièce cachée avec divers dispositifs de surveillance. Chris avait disposé tout un tas de caméras autour du campement. Sur l’un des enregistrements, Dylan aperçoit une créature étrange et difforme couverte de sang. Rationnel, il pense que cette chose est une déformation de la bande passante de la caméra. D’autres éléments suspects sont retrouvés, mais les deux adolescents ne s’y intéressent pas spécialement. Ils finissent par rejoindre les autres. (V) À la tombée de la nuit, autour d’un feu de camp, les moniteurs décident de jouer à Action ou Vérité. Dylan chérit tout particulièrement ce moment puisqu’il a eu l’occasion d’embrasser Ryan avant le désastre. Au tour de Kaitlyn, elle demande à Emma d’embrasser Jacob ou Nick. Bien entendu, agitatrice invétérée, elle choisit Nick. Déçue et en colère, Abi s’enfuit dans les bois. Nick la poursuit. De son côté, Dylan reste en compagnie de Ryan et Kaitlyn. (VI) Un cri strident s’élève. Ryan, Dylan et Kaitlyn voient Aby revenir totalement effrayée. La jeune femme les implore d’aider Nick dans les bois. Ryan, armé d’un fusil, est envoyé. Après une escapade dans la forêt, il finit par le ramener au campement, mais sa jambe, mordue par une bête, est gangrénée. Dylan propose de la sectionner pour empêcher la propagation des toxines. Peu enclins à cette idée, les autres décidèrent de regagner le chalet et de soigner Nick là-bas. (VII) Sans réseau. Ryan et Dylan décident de se rendre à la station de radio dans l’espoir de diffuser un message. Malheureusement, Dylan se fait mordre à la main par le loup-garou. Par peur, il implore Ryan de lui couper la main pour éviter la propagation. Sous les suppliques de son ami, il finit par sectionner son poignet à la tronçonneuse. Après l’attaque du loup-garou, les autres les rejoignent et entendent un coup de feu. Ils retrouvent le corps de Kaylee, la fille de Chris Hackett, baignant dans l’eau de la piscine. Laura, l’une des monitrices absentes, fait son apparition et leur explique ce qu’elle a vécu tout l’été et l’origine des lycanthropes. (VIII) Déterminés à mettre un terme à cette folie, Laura et Ryan partent en direction du manoir des Hackett. Alors que Kaitlyn et Dylan s’en vont à la quincaillerie pour récupérer la pièce manquante du van. Suivi par un loup-garou, ils se font attaquer, mais parviennent à s’en sortir.  Malheureusement, ils reviennent au chalet bredouille… Avide de chair fraiche, la créature les suit et les attaque. In extrémis, ils parviennent à s’en sortir. À l’aube, les autorités arrivent. Ils se croient sauvés, mais d’autres problèmes les attendent. Maintenant, il va falloir expliquer les circonstances de ces huit meurtres et l'existence des lycanthropes. (IX) Malheureusement, les policiers peinent à croire à leur histoire. Ces créatures folkloriques n’existent pas et, malgré les preuves récupérées, personne n'est convaincu... Les huit adolescents seront jugés et inculpés. De son côté, Dylan est envoyé dans un établissement pénitentiaire de l’État de New York où il purge sa peine. Fort heureusement pour lui, la lune rouge l'extirpe de cet enfer. (X) Plongé dans un profond sommeil, il se retrouve à l'hôpital. En lieu inconnu, la panique le gagne ! Il tente de trouver une raison logique à ce « depaysement », mais tout comme à Hackett’s Quarry, la rationalité ne fait pas partie du voyage. Chaque chose en son temps ! Pour l’instant, il tente de retrouver une stabilité mentale et d’apprivoiser cette nouvelle existence. (XI) Pour surmonter sa solitude, il a récupéré un chat et l’a prénommé en l’honneur du physicien Erwin Schrödinger.

Dernière édition par Dylan Lenivy le Dim 25 Fév - 14:07, édité 11 fois
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Jackie Estacado

Jackie Estacado

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 378068-blackangel
▿ Ton univers : The Darkness (comics)
▿ Date de naissance : 13/03/1988
▿ Age : 36
▿ Métier : Petits boulots divers et variés dont manut' au cirque Morrow
▿ Quartier : Lockwood Hill
▿ Côté cœur : .
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Jackini2
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs :
▿ Darkness - Armure
▿ Darkness - Force surhumaine
▿ Darkness - Création.
▿ Darkness - Vitesse surhumaine
▿ Pseudo : Em
▿ Avatar : Kevin Creekman
▿ Copyright : Exodium.
▿ Disponibilités rp : Dispo
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Rose Tyler, Alucard Hellsing, Selina Kyle, Edwin Danforth, Missy Timelady, Wall E. Earth, Ben' Peter Parker, Kreattur Black, E. Aster Bunnymund, Lucyna Kushinada & Nim Mothra.
▿ Messages : 173
▿ Points : 1300
▿ Date d'inscription : 16/09/2023
▿ Notes : .
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Artworks-000677278585-ukvpfe-t500x500

«... mais le plus important est le tout puissant Darkness, une entité glorieuse du chaos et de l’abandon débridé... »

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 32f82d566a4d3b98f3ae9de14b2238e5_original.jpg?ixlib=rb-4.1

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 19:23

Re bienvenue !! o/
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Betty Cooper

Betty Cooper

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_inline_pcaixlcexo1tcosbh_400
▿ Ton univers : Riverdale
▿ Date de naissance : 29/06/2001
▿ Age : 22
▿ Métier : Etudiante en journalisme
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square
▿ Côté cœur : En couple avec le roi des Serpents Jughead Jones
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 7c041ad043d1da2b4336510f4f6c6f405b228cb1

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 82f63b27844e224ec89da9198883d54f6321c431
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Ran94
▿ Avatar : Lili Reinhart
▿ Copyright : Ran94(avatar), Halay(sign), Eurora (aesthetic)
▿ Disponibilités rp : dispo
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Claire Redfield & Rory Williams & Arhur Swan & Ronald Weasley
▿ Messages : 10207
▿ Points : 25025
▿ Date d'inscription : 04/08/2019
▿ Notes : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Moodboard-bughead

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! B0449f82da41c475b452122aacec2e6c5b4716da

Maman d'un petit Forsythe né le 10 juin 2022.

Credits gifs :

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 19:23

Re bienvenue et bonne chance pour ta fiche Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420


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Samantha Giddings

Samantha Giddings

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_ot2huyp1VF1v9c4ufo2_400
▿ Ton univers : until dawn.
▿ Date de naissance : 21/08/2000
▿ Age : 23
▿ Métier : en première année de master en sciences vétérinaire.
▿ Quartier : hogwarts place.
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 0a0698a3aa59674d33d6cbd51dfd67cda1687673

There's darkness in the distance from the way that I've been livin' but I know I can't resist it. Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time, you and I drink the poison from the same vine. Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time, hidin' all of our sins from the daylight.

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_pxy7q9crDs1rv8weno6_r1_400
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : iwbys
▿ Avatar : Florence Pugh
▿ Copyright : harleystuff ; bangbangstuffsworld
▿ Disponibilités rp : indisponible (5/3)
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Tyrell & Rhaenyra & Fallon & Aníbal & Ryan & Kenzi & Fallon & Billy & Darlene & Ágata & Saray & Christian
▿ Messages : 1579
▿ Points : 925
▿ Date d'inscription : 08/10/2023

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 19:44

MON DYDY Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3247441895 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3247441895 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3247441895 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3247441895 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3569620790 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3569620790 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3569620790 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3569620790 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3590649044 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3590649044 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3590649044 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3590649044 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1737095155 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1737095155 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1737095155 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1737095155 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2726716926 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2726716926 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2726716926 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2726716926 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1887932727 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1887932727 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1887932727 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1887932727 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1235984971 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1235984971 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1235984971 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1235984971 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3002864796 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3002864796 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3002864796 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3002864796 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 465507743 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 465507743 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 465507743 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 465507743 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2270013279 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2270013279 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2270013279 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2270013279 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1764441146 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1764441146 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1764441146 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1764441146 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2811114326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2811114326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2811114326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2811114326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2303960101 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2303960101 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2303960101 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2303960101 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2303960101 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 483335981 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 483335981 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 483335981 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 483335981 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 483335981 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1733821041 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1733821041 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1733821041 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1733821041 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1733821041

(ui bon, je mets le message de Ryan dans le tas par la même occasion vu qu'il n'est pas encore là pour le poster lui-même, s'cusez moi Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3959672634 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3959672634 )

tellement hâte de retrouver notre p'tit duo de gossip favorites et notre ship-quasi-originel d'ailleurs, ça promet une nouvelle fois Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1169213851
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MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 19:50

Re bienvenue bon courage pour la fiche
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MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 21:31

Rebienvenue Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784
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Peter Parker

Peter Parker

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 00a378acf1b9ede6e044cd12ab41b20017b6b1d4
▿ Ton univers : Spider-Man : No way home
▿ Date de naissance : 10/08/2003
▿ Age : 20
▿ Métier : Étudiant en sciences et biotechnologie // Employé chez Stark Industrie
▿ Quartier : Vit sur le campus à Hogwarts Place pour le moment. Attendant de trouver sa maison de rêve
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! HAvBUUo
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs :
▿ Spider-sens
▿ Force surhumaine
▿ Adhérence aux surfaces
▿ Durabilité surhumaine
▿ Costume Civil War
▿ Costume Iron Spider
▿ Lunettes E.D.I.T.H
▿ Facteur de guérison
▿ Costume Night Monkey
▿ Costume Spider-verse
▿ Symbiote
▿ Pseudo : caddie
▿ Avatar : Tom Holland
▿ Copyright : ((avatar/crackship/gif)) : lambda-x/ Jawn/ shellshocklove
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Felicia Hardy + Peter Pettigrow
▿ Messages : 3430
▿ Points : 13133
▿ Date d'inscription : 01/08/2021
▿ Notes : « L'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions. »

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2addfd24606ccfdcdd564db5699ee3618a90530b

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 21:54

Re bienvenue !! ((mon premier jeu d'horreur de ce genre j'ai adoré Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 ))

With great power

Comes great appétit

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Nicolas Brown

Nicolas Brown

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Source
▿ Ton univers : Gangsta
▿ Date de naissance : 12/04/1982
▿ Age : 42
▿ Métier : Mercenaire & détective privé
▿ Quartier : Lockwood Hill
▿ Côté cœur : c'est compliqué
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Original
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs :
▿ Force surhumaine
▿ Agilité surhumaine
▿ Médicament/drogue d'Indexé
▿ Pseudo : Nono
▿ Avatar : Jon Bernthal
▿ Copyright : Ameknos
▿ Disponibilités rp : Libre
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Rin Yamaoka, Guts Berserker, Satoru Gojô, Hisoka Morow, Charles Lee Ray, Katsuki Bakugo, David Martinez, Askeladd L. A. Castus, Jellal Fernandes, Annie Leonhart, Zabuza Momochi, John Shepard & Chobei Aza
▿ Messages : 25589
▿ Points : 30939
▿ Date d'inscription : 13/03/2019
▿ Notes : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_nquepsUudO1rkmepyo1_r1_500
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! F06b7d54506e941edd6ff579092c205eff0989a3
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_nrc935ThAW1uz4s8go1_540

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 8 Oct - 22:08

Un perso de The Quarry ! Intéressant !

Amuse toi bien ^^

Nicolas Brown

(c) Vent Parisien


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MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyLun 9 Oct - 6:19

Oh Dylan !! Je valide ce choix Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420
Re bienvenue & bon courage pour la suite !! Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784
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Matthew Murdock

Matthew Murdock

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr-d147f45ccd4134cd76caa97005f9af9c-d5ab6906-540
▿ Ton univers : Daredevil (série + spider-man no way home + she hulk + echo).
▿ Date de naissance : 15/01/1985
▿ Age : 39
▿ Métier : Avocat.
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square.
▿ Côté cœur :
Friendship is the best thing in the world

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Dt-OCri-NVYAI7mt-H

▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs :
▿ Sens améliorés
▿ Echolocation
▿ Détecteur de mensonge
▿ Electroréception
▿ Pseudo : Mine.
▿ Avatar : Charlie Cox.
▿ Copyright : Spider-heda.
▿ Disponibilités rp : Libre pour deux rp supplémentaires.
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Wanda L. Maximoff, Anthony Bridgerton, Viserys Targaryen, Sherlock Holmes, Aziraphale Fell, Merlin Warlock, William Masters, Theo Raeken, Doctor Fourteen, Bruce Wayne, Stolas Barnes, John Bates, Fizzarolli Edwards.
▿ Messages : 341
▿ Points : 428
▿ Date d'inscription : 02/08/2022
▿ Notes :
Friends along the way
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Pfzl

Ennemies who don't get to destroy who I am
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! K838



May - Elektra

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyMar 10 Oct - 0:01

Re-bienvenue et bon courage pour ta fiche Very Happy

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Oksa Pollock

Oksa Pollock

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! E9b6d64ade26c1eb3d436a6f66d35c38
▿ Ton univers : Oksa Pollock
▿ Date de naissance : 29/09/2002
▿ Age : 21
▿ Métier : Présidente d'une association féministe
▿ Quartier : Racoon Square
▿ Côté cœur : Gus

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Gilbert-gilbert-blythe

ou Tugdual...

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Magnus-bane

Mon coeur balance encore...
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs :
▿ Voltical
▿ Knock-Bong
▿ Pseudo : Dreameuse
▿ Avatar : Emma Mackey
▿ Copyright : shadows. (bazzart) pour l'avatar et ROGERS (PRD) pour la signature
▿ Disponibilités rp : 4 RP en cours (Hermione, Lyra, Jo, RP Intrigue 3 avec Guts)
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Kurt/ Alex/ Neville/ Morgan/ Reby/ Murphy/ Haley
▿ Messages : 1166
▿ Points : 4570
▿ Date d'inscription : 28/05/2022
▿ Notes : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Bbpd

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyMar 10 Oct - 9:58

Re-bienvenue I love you !

tumblr_oj5z4lHcuG1tr15yio3_500.gif tumblr_oho1mnUYHy1upvr5ao1_540.gif
Oksa Pollock
L'Inespérée qui a bien grandi
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Betty Cooper

Betty Cooper

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_inline_pcaixlcexo1tcosbh_400
▿ Ton univers : Riverdale
▿ Date de naissance : 29/06/2001
▿ Age : 22
▿ Métier : Etudiante en journalisme
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square
▿ Côté cœur : En couple avec le roi des Serpents Jughead Jones
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 7c041ad043d1da2b4336510f4f6c6f405b228cb1

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 82f63b27844e224ec89da9198883d54f6321c431
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Ran94
▿ Avatar : Lili Reinhart
▿ Copyright : Ran94(avatar), Halay(sign), Eurora (aesthetic)
▿ Disponibilités rp : dispo
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Claire Redfield & Rory Williams & Arhur Swan & Ronald Weasley
▿ Messages : 10207
▿ Points : 25025
▿ Date d'inscription : 04/08/2019
▿ Notes : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Moodboard-bughead

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! B0449f82da41c475b452122aacec2e6c5b4716da

Maman d'un petit Forsythe né le 10 juin 2022.

Credits gifs :

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyJeu 12 Oct - 16:01

@Dylan Lenivy Coucou as tu besoin d'un délai pour finir ta fiche ? Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420


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Indiana H. W. Jones

Indiana H. W. Jones

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 9a6a6b6025344a29e34a77824129de835d257e5f
▿ Ton univers : Indiana Jones.
▿ Date de naissance : 01/07/1963
▿ Age : 60
▿ Métier : Archéologue, aventurier, professeur, autrefois agent pour le gouvernement durant la guerre, troublemaker notoire toujours dans de sales histoires pour la préservation de celle avec un grand H… Indy a plusieurs cordes à son arc ! Etre un thésard planqué dans une bibliothèque, très peu pour lui. Enfin ça… C’était avant qu’il soit dans le coma depuis environ trois ans.
▿ Quartier : Dans un lit du Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital, dans le quartier de Baker Street Avenue, qui commence à sacrément lui mettre le dos en vrac depuis le temps qu’il est allongé dessus.
▿ Côté cœur :
« There were a few. But they all had the same problem. They weren't you, honey. »

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4ce5e2787ab1873c204babea9fedef84303fdc94 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 834e35606cdcfdff7a37e90a6b9d1ba46bf1dc09
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Ca1515b1bd4e8c5278760d33ef2d18a4386b203a Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 0698c76aef9142b9f75f2e102605995a9bb971bd
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Ce8278190bbd11544dd47c93ca6a7a999f94cb79 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 202bd306079b889ce66ce8a5a29b6f4eecc19c40

« Why don't you stick around, Junior? »
«  I don't know. Why didn't you, Dad? »

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Eed38b1020ba243c6ea6493ef0fafa3bdd5252beDylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 82341921f31b6d2e858504b76169bf7d1757f3af

« Don't call me Junior! »

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1c52b4de42f72ffb67214b3e5491b72fb13defba

▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Skywalcino.
▿ Avatar : Harrison Ford.
▿ Copyright : skywalcino (avatar) · losthavenmine, lacebird, captainjock, machetelanding (gifs)
▿ Disponibilités rp : Disponible.
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Newt Scamander ⊹ Scorpius Malefoy ⊹ Tom Jedusor ⊹ Ben Solo ⊹ Alicent Hightower ⊹ Jim Hopper.
▿ Messages : 52
▿ Points : 318
▿ Date d'inscription : 06/09/2023
▿ Notes :

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyVen 13 Oct - 12:48

Rebienvenue mon bibou avec ce cher Dylan Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784
Amuse-toi bien avec lui et surtout boooooon courage pour ta fiche Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784
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Dylan Lenivy

Dylan Lenivy

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4da4209186c626670b5b4f7748fd583f3b2a4579
▿ Ton univers : The Quarry.
▿ Date de naissance : 19/07/2000
▿ Age : 23
▿ Métier : Streameur.
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square.
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 58e0699b804f34a940a1c359e03778d7990e711c
Take me back
to the time
when you first
told me
your name.

▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Merge.
▿ Avatar : Miles Robbins.
▿ Copyright : naly-rpg (avatar), darkmoonloki & h4ckett (gifs), park-chan-yall (icons), Halay (moodboard), siren charms (signature).
▿ Disponibilités rp : Indisponible.
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Ahkmenrah Sa-Rê, Alicia Sierra, Daemon Targaryen, Elliot Alderson, Joshua Washington, Lyutsifer Safin, Rue Bennett, Santiago López, Silene Oliveira, Stuart Macher & Zulema Zahir.
▿ Messages : 730
▿ Points : 134
▿ Date d'inscription : 08/10/2023
▿ Notes :
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! A9d1c4af63279df4e1cab73acaf9d3aca1c010f1

RPs en cours :
(Halloween) Sam(AU) Ryan(FB) RyanEmma & Ryan

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Yf66

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptySam 14 Oct - 19:02

@Jackie Estacado  @Betty Cooper  @Henry Crowford  @Jonathan Crane  @Peter Parker  @Nicolas Brown  @Tali Zorah  @Matthew Murdock  @Oksa Pollock  @Indiana H. W. Jones Merci à vous pour vos petits messages de bienvenue Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389

@Samantha Giddings MON RY-RYZ AU LAIT Jeux de mots incroyable... ABSOLUMENT PAS Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2679256013 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2679256013 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2679256013 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2679256013 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1886760432 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1886760432

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 321313478 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3051169218 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1074201389 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4234433487 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 322631463

Vous êtes toute excusée, voyons Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1229718596 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1229718596 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1229718596 Ramène le vite sinon tu es morte ! Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 538228786 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 538228786 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 538228786 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 538228786 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 538228786 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 538228786 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4212788003 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4212788003 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4212788003

J'ai tellement hâte également qu'on mette en place nos petites idées farfelues ! Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1934759834 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1934759834 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1934759834 Je sens que les feels vont être présents... Mon cœur se noie déjà dans mes larmes  Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1866792216 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1866792216 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1866792216 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1866792216 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1866792216 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1239743326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1239743326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1239743326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1239743326 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1239743326 Toujours un plaisir de ship avec toi Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3146204741 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 3146204741 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 876313731 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 682744128
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Rin Nohara

Rin Nohara

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_nhkif5WAmV1rbrys3o1_500
▿ Ton univers : Naruto
▿ Date de naissance : 15/11/1992
▿ Age : 31
▿ Métier : Infirmière
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 556891e232385f82984ae81775ad3d71
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Almas
▿ Avatar : Atsuko Maeda
▿ Disponibilités rp : 3/3- Indisponible | Kakashi - Wendy - Shisui
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Mirai Sarutobi (Naruto/Boruto ) & Bohort de Gaunes (Kaammelott) / Yumi Ishiyama (Code Lyoko) /Marinette Dupain Cheng (Miraculous) & Octavia Barnes (Helluva Boss) & Tsuyu Asui (MHA)
▿ Messages : 145
▿ Points : 256
▿ Date d'inscription : 15/03/2023
▿ Notes : Rin parle en #9933ff

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! C45add81f1a9dacd03d5e3ffaa1ad16c
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_plp14r3AhC1y5svmqo1_1280
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 7761bea38cda73ab6c0ed0357ce22fc2
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! B7e3980fb8069250829e3c8c8074d27c
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! A25ad98e92098f36176b516c7e0d8de3

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptySam 14 Oct - 19:31

Re bienvenue !! o/
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Dylan Lenivy

Dylan Lenivy

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 4da4209186c626670b5b4f7748fd583f3b2a4579
▿ Ton univers : The Quarry.
▿ Date de naissance : 19/07/2000
▿ Age : 23
▿ Métier : Streameur.
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square.
▿ Côté cœur : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 58e0699b804f34a940a1c359e03778d7990e711c
Take me back
to the time
when you first
told me
your name.

▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Merge.
▿ Avatar : Miles Robbins.
▿ Copyright : naly-rpg (avatar), darkmoonloki & h4ckett (gifs), park-chan-yall (icons), Halay (moodboard), siren charms (signature).
▿ Disponibilités rp : Indisponible.
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Ahkmenrah Sa-Rê, Alicia Sierra, Daemon Targaryen, Elliot Alderson, Joshua Washington, Lyutsifer Safin, Rue Bennett, Santiago López, Silene Oliveira, Stuart Macher & Zulema Zahir.
▿ Messages : 730
▿ Points : 134
▿ Date d'inscription : 08/10/2023
▿ Notes :
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! A9d1c4af63279df4e1cab73acaf9d3aca1c010f1

RPs en cours :
(Halloween) Sam(AU) Ryan(FB) RyanEmma & Ryan

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Yf66

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 15 Oct - 10:58

@Rin Nohara Merci bien Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784

- - There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.
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Betty Cooper

Betty Cooper

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_inline_pcaixlcexo1tcosbh_400
▿ Ton univers : Riverdale
▿ Date de naissance : 29/06/2001
▿ Age : 22
▿ Métier : Etudiante en journalisme
▿ Quartier : Raccoon Square
▿ Côté cœur : En couple avec le roi des Serpents Jughead Jones
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 7c041ad043d1da2b4336510f4f6c6f405b228cb1

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 82f63b27844e224ec89da9198883d54f6321c431
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : Ran94
▿ Avatar : Lili Reinhart
▿ Copyright : Ran94(avatar), Halay(sign), Eurora (aesthetic)
▿ Disponibilités rp : dispo
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Claire Redfield & Rory Williams & Arhur Swan & Ronald Weasley
▿ Messages : 10207
▿ Points : 25025
▿ Date d'inscription : 04/08/2019
▿ Notes : Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Moodboard-bughead

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! B0449f82da41c475b452122aacec2e6c5b4716da

Maman d'un petit Forsythe né le 10 juin 2022.

Credits gifs :

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 15 Oct - 12:25

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Amuse toi bien avec ce nouveau personnage, je te souhaite bon jeu. Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420 Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 2973847420

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Sophie de Réan

Sophie de Réan

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 9f7e616fabd2a53acd89a5ed5a95f782011e1224
▿ Ton univers : Les malheurs de Sophie.
▿ Date de naissance : 19/07/1996
▿ Age : 27
▿ Métier : à la tête d'une fortune plutôt importante, elle gère ses biens et son argent en investissant dans les petites et grandes entreprises de la ville.
▿ Quartier : Baker Street Avenue, dans une maison bien trop grande pour elle seule - qu'elle a longtemps partagée avec Sabrina.
▿ Côté cœur : mariée à Jean de Rugès.

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Tumblr_inline_pb97gljTs81u3u0uv_250
▿ Dons/capacités/pouvoirs : Aucun pouvoir.
▿ Pseudo : halay.
▿ Avatar : ellie bamber.
▿ Copyright : bambi eyes (avatar) | ophcliaswrites & evansyhelp & christmastown (gifs) | halay/b.h. (moodboard).
▿ Disponibilités rp : disponible. (Jean ▿ Jean|Camille|Madeleine ▿ Sabrina ▿ Paul|Mary ▿ Jean ▿ Jean|Camille|Madeleine|Paul|Mary ▿ Camille ▿ Sabrina ▿ Mary ▿ Belle ▿ Louise ▿ Sabrina ▿ ...)
▿ Autre(s) compte(s) : Elizabeth Tudor ▿ Amy Pond ▿ Clarke Griffin ▿ Anna d'Arendelle ▿ Jodie Holmes ▿ Hermione Weasley ▿ Jasmine d'Agrabah ▿ Ambrose Spellman ▿ Mathilde Sorel ▿ Maura Franklin ▿ Katherine Pierce ▿ Mycroft Holmes ▿ Greer de Kinross ▿ Kara Williams ▿ Sybil Crawley ▿ Lucy Westenra ▿ Sasha Braus.
▿ Messages : 5682
▿ Points : 7582
▿ Date d'inscription : 09/02/2019
▿ Notes :

de son monde d'origine, elle est arrivée avec deux choses : le mouchoir que sa mère lui avait brodé, il se trouvait dans l'une de ses poches. A ses côtés, posé par terre, elle a également trouvé le petit carnet que Jean lui a offert lorsqu'ils étaient enfants. Elle porte également une alliance, seule preuve de son mariage avec Jean, dont elle n'a pas de souvenirs.

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 1552224013-cms1

Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Kz4s
Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! Sophie10

MessageSujet: Re: Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere !   Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! EmptyDim 15 Oct - 14:51

Rebienvenue Dylan ✧ Uh, there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere ! 894672784
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